Nov 20, 2008

First the Car then now the Laptop are both acting up...

It was first my car, the 10 year old or more, Satria.

She, well i would refer the car as a She because Satria reminds me of a girl, sorta played a 'prank' on me by suddenly goin' dead while i was just about to reach my sister's tuition center. It just went off without any warning and the moment She stopped, out came a buzzing noise from the radio compartment.

I told my mum about it and She was sent to the foreman for servicing for 2 days. When she returned home, She look fantastic! The foreman informed my uncle that the Satria has, no apparent, problems and was working just fine.

However, it was a week later that She started acting up again. It was rainning and the daily traffic jam that occupied the road to the SMART tunnel was very BAD! i was driving happily or rather grumpily home when the first strike came by. She went dead in the middle of the road after i braked. i restarted the car ASAP and went off the road again. Then the second strike came. She died in the middle of the road again and this time a car almost hit me in the back. i switched the emergency light on and i restarted the car again. Then it was all smooth till after the SMART tunnel's toll. Just when i was about to exit the toll and headed out onto the road, She died AGAIN! This time at the divider of the road. It was scary as cars behind me were honking and i am taking up the whole road. i restarted it AGAIN and then i speed all the way and out onto the roads of Old Klang Road. While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, She striked AGAIN! i panicked and was shaking as the cars behind me honked louder. i restart and drove as fast as i could to reach the exit to the Highway that will cut into Puchong. Then She striked AGAIN! This time luck was by my side as She died while i just arrived at the traffic light. After that i dare not stop and just sped my way home. Upon reaching my front gate, i sighed and took everything out of the car and headed inside the house. i told my dad about Her and She was once again sent to the foreman.

My lappie/laptop, Acer. Let's call it a Him alright?

He's barely a year old and just today when i was all hot and wanted to surf the net, He just won't connect for me! It's weird as he never behaves like that so i called up my two computer expert cousins and told them my problem. They told me to repair the internet connection, there is a button there by your connection icon or restart my laptop. However, after both of these were done, He still would not stay connect for me for long. It flickered and blinked. It can detect the network but just cannot seem to stay connect to it. i was worked up as i need to get some infos for my class tomorrow so i had no choice but to use the cable to connect my lappie to the internet.

After having my dinner, He connected to the internet. Wireless-ly. Then he disconnect and connect again. But for the time being, he is well-behaved.

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