Oct 6, 2008

Summarizing Term 2

Term3 is approaching so i decided to sum up my Term 2 assignments.

Colors for Designers
Assignment 1:
Scrapbookin'. For this assignment, i created a Pizza-themed scrapbook or,wait, scrapBOX.
In it holds all of my other mini-assignments, including Simultaneous,Adcance and Receding colours,Color Wheel and Tint,Tone and Shade.
Canvas. We were supposed to choose one artist that is to our liking and 'copied' his style in drawing and painting the canvas. i've chosen Stuart Davis. i was attracted to the way he uses vivid colors and his abstract way of painting and drawing.
i used the theme: waterworld. Thus, Flounder,Hai is born!

Creativity and Problem Solving
Assignment 1:
Creating a piece of Art Movement Poster. i've chosen Art Nouveau as i simply love Mucha's artworks.

Assignment 2:
Sound Excercise. These were all done and compiled in my portfolio bag that i handed in to Simon. So i can't show you all my work. However, the assignment is about sounds.
There were Bees making Love,Violin&Flute,ChinaVsAmerica,Air-Con and Shhhhh...
Assignment 3:
Children Book. We were told to do some research on myths and legends of our culture and create a story of our own.
mine was inspired by the legend of the Dragon Mother.
Design Investigation&Culture
Assignment 1:
Posters for United Benettons. We are asked to start an ad-campaign for UB. I chose 'Peace for Olympics' as my theme as the Olympics was just around the corner that time and rumours were flying saying that there be activists trying to destroy the Games.
My subjects for the posters were the Fuwas. All five of them.
i'm sorry that i can't show my posters as i think that it's gruesome and violent.
Assignment 2:
Mural. We were given the theme:Anti-Racism. It was a team assignment. Apurva n i cracked our heads to try and think of a nice painting that would represents the theme.
After much rejection and cracking of our heads,we came out with..

Assignment 3:
Umbrella. This was the hardest among all,this include classes too. My friends and i focused more in this than any of the ones that were given.

In this assignment, we were suppose to design an umbrella based on a design era. Eventually i seek refuge in Art Nouveau.*i think i'm in love with the era*
Aside from the umbrella,we had to add in a research book and 3 other back up items. My back up items i used poster,Ipod layout design and umbrella cover,which was added in last minute by our lecturer.


i did not snap a photo of the Ipod layout design and the Umbrella cover as i was in a rush to finish up the whole project.

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